Following the Research: Benefits of Job Fairs for Workforce Development

10 May 2023
News, Client Feature Article, Workforce
This article originally appeared on and was written for Carlsbad, NM Department of Development by Golden Shovel Agency.
With the freedom to gather and a job market that needs workers, career fairs are back in the workforce development toolkit. But are they worth it? With a bevy of job-posting platforms allowing businesses to submit openings in minutes and job seekers to filter opportunities with the click of a mouse, why bother putting together a booth or stepping outside your house?
Online job postings bring a substantial volume of responses. For employers, the “hooray" for 200-plus responses quickly devolves into the reality that staff must evaluate them all, and many applicants won’t be a good match. From a job seeker’s perspective, how can you possibly stand out in a vast sea of uploaded resumes?
Here is the other stark truth. Forbes reported that anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of all jobs are filled through networking, even if posted publicly. Some 70 percent of jobs may not even be posted on public sites. Job fairs may help level the playing field for job seekers without a strong network. Employers who attend are signaling they are willing to give applicants a fair shot, and job seekers are provided a networking arena.
Carlsbad, NM, Department of Development (CDOD) recently attended the San Juan College Career and Internship Fair in Farmington, NM. Careers in all seven of San Juan College’s career pathways were represented, but job seekers from the community were welcomed to participate. Some companies that joined our group from Carlsbad include Archrock, Durango Midstream, and Delta Constructors, along with approximately 70 vendors from the region.
“Our goal is to promote Carlsbad as a great place to live, work, and play, in addition to helping fill open positions in the Carlsbad/Eddy County communities,” said Stephanie Mervine, Carlsbad Department of Development Local Development Coordinator. “We were able to fill several positions as a result of attending the San Juan College Career and Internship Fair.”
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About the Author
Ellen Williams
Lead Copywriter
Connect with Ellen on LinkedIn
Ellen Williams is a Lead Copywriter for Golden Shovel Agency. Her unique skill sets expand from the foundation of science, academia, writing/editing, and project management. She is adept at breaking down articles and information precisely and clearly to educate general and professional audiences alike. Uniquely, while she is not practicing as a doctor, she has an M.D. and a strong laboratory science background.
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