SEDC From Vacant to Vibrant Places: How to Backfill Vacancies in Your Downtown

Event Promo Photo For SEDC From Vacant to Vibrant Places: How to Backfill Vacancies in Your Downtown

March 21

Do you have a large number of vacancies in your downtown and aren’t sure about the best approach to backfilling those vacant buildings? In this webinar we’ll discuss how focusing on creating practical retail spaces will create synergy downtown and make larger vacancies more feasible for potential investment. Hear about effective strategies for rejuvenating rural downtown areas, including methods to create catalyst projects based on existing physical assets. The webinar will feature real-world case studies from Albemarle, North Carolina and from rural communities covered by One East Kentucky. Whether you have a completely vacant Main Street, have recently had positive momentum downtown, or are fearful that long-time businesses may shutter in the coming months, we’ll provide advice to create and implement a sensible plan for your downtown.