St. Martin Economic Development Authority Launches New Website to Further Site Selection and Business Attraction Efforts

27 Jan 2022
News, Recent Work, Website Development
Website to Reach and Engage Site Selectors, Business Owners, and Workforce
MARTINVILLE, LA -- St. Martin Economic Development Authority (SMEDA) recently launched a newly designed website, created by Golden Shovel Agency, to further strengthen its online presence and economic growth for the region. The website features a community job board and commercial real estate module - something brand new to the Parish. This real estate module will streamline the site search process for businesses wanting to locate in St. Martin Parish.
The ultimate goal was to provide our community, small businesses, and site selectors with a singular central location for information, resources, and interactive aspects that the previous site just didn’t do. Not only have the aesthetics and user-friendliness of the site been enhanced, but have added many new features that the St. Martin staff believe it will begin to benefit the community immediately.
“With our previous site, I was hesitant to advise anyone to visit it. There was nothing that would make site selectors or small businesses say ‘Wow, SMEDA’s website really answered this question for me,’ or, ‘Their website really makes me want to consider moving my business here,’” said Jennifer Stelly, Executive Director at St. Martin EDA. “Now, with all the extra features, demographic info, etc., my office will start touting the website more and lean on it as a major piece of our marketing strategy.”
St. Martin EDA is currently accepting listings on both the real estate and jobs modules. Those who are interested can submit their listing via the website.
“It has been an honor to work with the team at St. Martin EDA,” said Aaron Brossoit, CEO of Golden Shovel Agency. “The new website site will continue to be a great asset for companies and potential partners to understand opportunities in the area, as well as demonstrate their economic growth potential.”
You can view the newly redesigned website at
ST. MARTIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY offers resources to stimulate growth of the Parish’s economy by creating and maintaining an optimum environment for both new and existing businesses, offers services to facilitate growth and expansion of local businesses, and generates opportunities to increase the sales tax base of the local communities.
GOLDEN SHOVEL AGENCY is a full-service economic development marketing agency that believes thriving communities improve everyone’s lives. Everything it does connects businesses and talent with communities they’ll thrive in. It does this by empowering economic developers through groundbreaking economic development communications. Golden Shovel has helped hundreds of communities across the globe shape and tell their stories to strengthen the vitality of their regional economies.
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