ADA Compliance
Accessibility covers a wide range of considerations, and it should be noted that there is more than one standards organization dealing with accessibility, and different levels of compliance. If an organization is required to meet accessibility standards it is advisable that they make sure they are aware of the specific standards and levels they are required to meet.
Aspects of accessibility are addressed in multiple areas of a website; broadly, the design, the programming, and the population:
In the website design process we will try to flag any potential accessibility concerns (which most often come from color contrast when dealing with the design), but will not enforce them if the client does not wish to accommodate those aspects.
Economic Gateway sites are built to certain minimum standards in regards to accessibility (see attached chart). More stringent 508 standards can be applied upon request, and if the client is aware of and accepts the effects this may have on the appearance or functionality of their site.
Economic Gateway sites are pre-populated to certain minimum standards in regards to accessibility. Accessibility of content population and maintenance after launch depends on the client admin and their GateKeeper(s). If accessibility is a concern or requirement for a client, it is recommended that they make their GateKeeper aware of this, and have their admin users familiarize themselves with the accessibility recommendations and tools available in the admin.
Ensuring complete and ongoing accessibility in a site's content does require knowledgeable vigilance which may go beyond the scope of GateKeeper services. If an organization is legally required to maintain higher levels of accessibility on all aspects of their website, there are third-party tools (such as UserWay, Accessibe, etc.) which they can add to their site which will allow users with access concerns to adjust their experience of the site to their own needs.